Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 analyst Sebastian Gorka sat down with New Tang Dynasty TV’s Kitty Wang to discuss the U.S. National...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 China's Tea Culture (Part 1)The Origin of Tea There are seven things that Chinese people are...

海航惊爆 财务违约

18-01-23 ,安邦保险集团股份有限公司(Anbang Insurance Group Co.)就是其中之一,安邦在全球展开了一系列激进的并购行动,最终却迫于中国监管部门的压力放缓了扩张步伐。曾收购美国连锁影院AMC...

万豪等多家外企触“国家门” 万豪四度道歉仍被批“不真诚”

18-01-23  【看中国记者邢亚男综合报导】日前,美国知名连锁酒店万豪国际集团(Marriott),因在活动问卷中,将台湾、香港、澳门、西藏列为“国家”,遭中国政府约谈整改。事件还波及达美航空、ZARA等多家知名...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 side as male and the right side as female seems to have permeated all aspects of people's daily...

China Is Having Its Own #MeToo Moment

18-01-21 harassment within China’s higher education sector and society at large.On Jan. 1, Luo Qianqian posted...

Protecting the Environment Is China’s Latest Excuse to Bully Taiwanese Businesses

18-01-21 opportunity of China’s large market.However, for some, the investments haven’t reaped benefits.Late last year...


18-01-19 》(Architect’s Newspaper)2017年教育类市政设施“最佳设计奖”。同时,以其环境的可持续性,达到了美国LEED绿色建筑标准。皇后区艾姆赫斯特图书馆,于2016年12月落成开放。馆内设有儿童青少年...

新州长上任 争议政策立刻成焦点

18-01-19 。同时,一个名为Let’s Drive NJ的组织于11日发起了一个新的运动,允许非法移民获得驾驶执照。据估计,新泽西有46.6万适龄驾驶的非法移民。根据该组织的诉求,非法移民在通过相同的行车安全考试后可获得一种...


18-01-17 批新的梦想家非法移民。川普总统于12日在推特上写:“昨天呈现给我和一群共和党参、众议员的所谓的两党协商DACA案是一大退步。边境围墙预算不够,连锁移民和移民抽签问题恶化,导致美国接收大量来自贫穷...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 see the Buddha, we must find someone who can see to lead us. Let's do it this way. We will try...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 Women There was a slogan among Yue Fei's army: "I would rather freeze to death than demolish...

China’s Top Military Official With Ties to Opposition Faction Taken Down

18-01-12 Since 2009, senior military official Fang Fenghui was in charge of orchestrating China’s grand...


18-01-11 (Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization)周一表示,已寻获一具尸体。中国外交部周一亦表示,搜救人员已打捞起其中一名船员遗体,但该人身份尚未得到证实。据悉,挥发和爆燃...


18-01-12 相当不同,却反映著社会现况:“我很感激今年勇敢站出来、分享自己遭遇的人,你们都非常勇敢。希望未来有更多像《大小谎言》这样的影集,鼓舞那些深受骚扰、侵犯、虐待的人。时刻到了(Time’s up),我们看见你了...

饱受质疑到红遍世界 漫谈Porsche Cayenne历史(下)

18-01-12 (3)第二代Cayenne仍是销量担当时间来到2010年3月,Porsche在日内瓦车展上发布了全新一代Cayenne车型,其中Cayenne S Hybrid是新一代系列车型中的亮点。事实上,推出...


18-01-09 (NASA)美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的卫星,10月17日在澳洲南方海岸上空拍摄到罕见云层,看起来犹如一根根的羽毛在天空排列,形状十分怪异。澳洲气象局(Australia’s Bureau of...

Author of Smuggled Letter That Called Attention to China Labor Camp Abuses Dies

18-01-09 Sun Yi in Shenyang City in 2016. (Courtesy of Sun Yi’s Family)The news took the world by surprise...

Father and Sons Arrested in New York for $25 Million Worth of Counterfeit Goods From China

18-01-09 vendors.China is the source for more than 70 percent of the world’s physical trade-related counterfeiting...

Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 1)

18-01-09 respect and admiration today after almost a thousand years. Yue Fei’s troops were admiringly called the...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 ;s mind. He tried listing renowned officials throughout history who had held similar positions and...

“朝韩对话”缺乏诚意 引美方关注

18-01-07 韩国的支持,美方也就没辙了。《防止朝鲜的核突破》(Preventing North Korea’s Nuclear Breakout)作者利特瓦克(Robert Litwak)就明白指出:“金正恩...

极寒天气 马里兰州蒙郡提醒您谨防冻伤

18-01-07 240-777-4000。协调员将根据性别和家庭组成,将他们分配到这些冬季应急避难所。冬季紧急避难所将收容那些亲自到该避难所寻求庇护的人, 地址是洛克维尔市东古德大道500 号的MCCH Men's(500...

被饱受质疑到红遍世界 漫谈Porsche Cayenne历史(上)

18-01-07 250马力,最大扭矩310牛·米,0-100km/h加速时间最快为9.7秒。可实际上,为了向外界宣示自身特色,Cayenne在早期就率先拿出了两款狠货:Cayenne S和Cayenne Turbo...


18-01-04 仲量联行的最贵街道排名(JLL’s 2017 Most Expensive Streets),纽约曼哈顿中城的第五大道的租金已仅次于加州门洛公园(Menlo Park)的沙丘路(Sand Hill...


18-01-04 :tinyurl.com/yac2atrd。*《决胜女王》 Molly's Game本片又名《茉莉牌局》,是一部于美国犯罪片。由索尼公司制作、发行,艾伦·索金编导,根据真人真事创作,改编自“扑克公主”自茉莉...


18-01-03 。根据穆迪分析公司(Moody’s Analytics)的模型分析,税改将导致某些地区的房价下跌。而全美重灾的30个郡里有24个在大纽约地区。新泽西州有15个郡上榜,其中Essex和Union郡首当其冲,预计...

Top Executive at Chinese Tech Giant Huawei Investigated for Bribery

18-01-02 China’s biggest tech companies, and in 2015, became the world’s third largest manufacturer of...

  Ancient Stories of Unselfishness and Righteousness

18-01-01 Emperor. One day he told the Emperor, "You may find out more about Fan’s character from Zhao...

Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 2)

18-01-01 ! Yesterday's dream has already been fulfilled."  He delivered the dirt bricks to the family who gave him...

全球钻石收入增20%  消费需求下降

18-01-01 新的营销手段,希望能充分考虑变化中的消费者喜好,拓展新的营销渠道。贝恩预计,在健康的宏观经济下,2017年钻石价值链各个环节有望继续保持稳定,主要市场上的大型连锁零售品牌的收入呈上升趋势。贝恩公司全球...

美节日购物季火爆 经济强劲创销售佳绩

17-12-30 还不到40%。从11月中旬开始,塔吉特(Target)采取措施,使周末的销售增多,梅西百货(Macy's)是为多年的老顾客提供新的购物优惠政策。另外,节后将有更多商品大打折扣,可把握机会购买...


17-12-29 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1.时代广场跨年倒数 New Year’s Eve2017年临近尾声,我们又将迎来今年的跨年倒计时了。纽约时代广场的跨年夜倒计时是最著名的新年活动之一,在数...


17-12-22 Flushing Chamber of Commerce)等不同族裔社区团体发的起献爱心、温暖贫困人士及儿童的“法拉盛欢迎移民与难民的感恩免费圣诞大餐”慈善活动。 届时,有顶级牛排馆Danny’s...

By Snatching Up British Company, China Closes Gap on US Naval Supremacy

17-12-23 Acquisition of restricted technology enables China’s aircraft carriers to project power on par with...

  Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 1)

17-12-23 – 1279 AD). His ancestors had accumulated considerable wealth. Zhou Rongzu's grandfather, Zhou Feng...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23  2. Sun Simiao's medical ethics and further contributions to medicine Sun Simiao expressed his...


17-12-21 家和电视节目Dragon’s Den、《鲨鱼坦克》里的其中一位投资人。他在《鲨鱼坦克》节目为小企业投资了数十万美元,但他拒绝把自己的血汗钱投资给咖啡店。“我是否会花2.5美元买一杯咖啡?从来不...


17-12-23 ; Wobble Busy Ball), 以及给5岁以上儿童玩的“Let’s Go Code!活动集”(Let’s Go Code! Activity Set)。赢得冠军的是Melissa & Doug...

Australian Intelligence Identifies Local Politicians With Suspect China Ties

17-12-17 Australia’s peak domestic intelligence service believes that 10 recent political candidates for...